Friday, November 5, 2010


I was at church on Sunday and one of my Primary children asks me why I had to adopt Grace. I told her that I couldn't have children, that my tummy didn't work right. She then asked how I got Grace. I told her that a young woman grew Grace in her tummy and placed her in our family. She then asked "Why?" I had to stop for a second because in all honesty, how do you explain pregnancy out of wedlock to a 7 year old? I told her that Grace's birth mom was not married and she wanted Grace to have a mommy and a daddy and be sealed to them in the temple. She asked me if Grace's birth mom was married yet. I smiled and said not yet, but she's looking. :) Then she asks, "When Grace's birth mom gets married, will you give Grace back?" I explained how Grace will be officially ours and she will be sealed to us for Eternity. She stopped the questions at this point but it made me really have to think about how I'm going to explain adoption not only to other children, but to my own. This will definitely be something I learn as I go and something I'm researching into. Wish I had all the answers but I guess that is what this life is about. Learning and growing.


Jen said...

It sounds like you did a good job answering her questions. I'm sure you'll do just fine.

Karissa said...

I agree- you did a great job! I think you're the perfect person to explain adoption to kids, because you care so much about it and you've always been good with kids!