I found this on one of the blogs I follow. You can find her story here. I get questions all the time about what I think about open adoption and I think this sums it up perfectly. The R House and Joniece (their birthmom) have been such inspirations and have helped form my testimony of adoption. This is straight from Joniece's blog.
"There are so many wonderful things about having an open adoption, I could go on forever. ( And I will in a later post) however this one was soley meant for the purpose of expressing my appreciation to Lindsey and Josh.
Not only are they doing a wonderful Job being parents to G baby, but they show their love for me day in and day out by letting my family and I be a part of his life. It means so much to my family. And it means so much to me.
People ask me if seeing him makes it harder for me, and honestly it doesn't. On the contrary it makes it easier, it only confirms my decision way back when was the right decision. And it brings me peace and joy to get to be as active as I have been in his life.
I wanted to say thank you to josh and Linds. Without you that picture above would have never been possible. Without you and your willingness to have an open adoption my parents wouldn't get to know their bio-grandson, and I wouldn't know the peace I do in my heart and the healing I do in my soul. I love you all. Merry Christmas."
I truly cannot wait to have that in my life. I want to find our birth mother who I can become friends with. We will have such a special bond between us and our baby. I want those extra people there to love our child. I want my children to know that they were/are loved by birth families. I don't want them to wonder or to count on me to tell them that. I want them to know. I want our birth mother to be able to heal and to be able to move on with her life and to grow. I don't want her to wonder if she did the right thing. I want my children to see where they get their eyes, their smile, their love of dancing or books. I love adoption with all my heart and am so excited to continue our journey to adopt. Please feel free to ask me any questions about adoption and I will be more than happy to share my testimony.
Hello world!
5 years ago
Yeah, we totally need to get together! Call me sometime!
Angee, thanks so much for you sweet comment on my blog! I would have to agree with you about Kennedi...she is pretty cute! :) And, I am just determined to find your birthmother in WA so that I can finally meet you! Do you have a profile web address or anything yet?
I LOVE how committed you are to openness. So many prospective adoptive couples are uncomfortable with the idea and I just don't understand that.
Your birth mom will find you, and she will take great comfort in that openness and in your love.
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