Tuesday, May 6, 2008


We found out today that Kristi is having...... a boy! Oh and I forgot to mention.... another boy! Yep, my sister is having twin boys in September. She's a little nervous but I know she'll be a great mom. So, now I'm thinking I should adopt twin puppies but they would have to be girls! :) So now I will have 2 nephews on Robby's side, and 4 on my side. We're still waiting to find out what my brother John's wife is expecting. I love spoiling little babies! :)


Courtney said...

Twins! That is so exciting.

Jillian said...

Wow! My sister-in-law just had twin boys too. She's slightly sleep-deprived, but is loving it. As far as dogs, Ammon likes Labs but I kinda like the smaller dogs.

Jen said...

WOW! Was it a total surprise or did she suspect? And don't worry, it will be your turn soon!

Rachel said...

Holy Cow!! I've always wanted twins... even though the more practical part of me says, "are you crazy!" How exciting!! Hey, my friend just got the most adorable little miniature pug mixed with something else that I can't remember... but she was soooo adorable and she is going to stay small.. which is what I like. Have fun!!

Sheena said...

WOW WOW WOW!!! That is crazy, only because after having Janae I couldn't of possibly imagined having TWO of her! But that is so awesome that she will be here and you can help her out all the time, I bet you are practically going to be living over there! Love it, I hope they are identical that would be so much fun!